Completed Projects

Completed Projects

Completed Projects

Over the years, Afghan Legal & Information Organization (ALIO) has successfully implemented various projects aimed at promoting justice, empowering communities, and fostering sustainable development across Afghanistan. Our commitment to serving vulnerable populations and promoting social change has led to impactful initiatives supported by esteemed partners. Below are some of our notable completed projects:

1. US Embassy Grants (SAF2015GR60798 and SAF2013GR60502)

ALIO partnered with the US Embassy in Kabul to implement two significant projects, totaling over $350,000. These projects focused on outreach programs, rule of law training, and the role of defense attorney training. Through these initiatives, ALIO provided crucial legal aid support services to underserved communities, conducted public education events on fair trials, and facilitated the publication of justice magazines in Kunar and Nangarhar provinces.

2.Combined Quick Response Fund (QRF) Grants

ALIO received funding support from the US Embassy Kabul through combined QRF grants totaling $158,400. These grants enabled ALIO to enhance its outreach efforts, strengthen legal education and training initiatives, and expand its advocacy and policy reform activities. The projects implemented under these grants contributed significantly to advancing access to justice and promoting the rule of law in Afghanistan.

3."Kunar’ Da Aadalat Kor" Magazine Publication

ALIO collaborated with the Appellate Court of Asadabad to publish the "Kunar’ Da Aadalat Kor" magazine, with a total expenditure of AFN 30,000. This publication served as a valuable resource for raising legal awareness, disseminating information on legal rights and responsibilities, and promoting dialogue on justice issues within local communities. The magazine played a crucial role in bridging the gap between the formal legal system and grassroots populations in Kunar province.

4.PRT Kunar Project Support

ALIO received funding support totaling AFN 90,000 for the PRT Kunar project, aimed at enhancing community engagement, promoting conflict resolution mechanisms, and strengthening governance structures at the grassroots level. The project facilitated dialogue between community members, local authorities, and civil society organizations, fostering collaborative efforts towards peacebuilding and social cohesion in the region.